Research Approach
I decided to work with the embroidery machine before choosing my technique. I started with an inductive research approach where I had no particular technique in mind, allowing me to broadly experiment and observe the outcomes of my interventions. From these observations I evaluated the samples to the most promising ones. This brought me to brainstorm for a specific production technique that has the most similar qualities to my most promising samples which was Quilting.

I continued with a deductive approach of using the embroidery machine to try and achieve traditional quilting patterns and techniques. These were then further intervened in a gradually controlled manner. I Identified the experiment's best qualities and brainstormed a product it could be used in that is not traditionally a quilted product. I started designing small prototypes and tried to solve more technical problems like achieving a self-standing quilted product through further trial and error experiments. I decided on a product design template and executed it through the embroidery machine. Tweaking small errors throughout the process and finally photographing the work.